
Installing Circus

Use pip:

$ pip install circus

Or download the archive on PyPI, extract and install it manually with:

$ python install

If you want to try out Circus, see the Step-by-step tutorial.

If you are using debian or any debian based distribution, you also can use the ppa to install circus, it’s at


We provide a zc.buildout configuration, you can use it by simply running the bootstrap script, then calling buildout:

$ python
$ bin/buildout

More on Requirements

Circus uses:

  • Python 2.6, 2.7 (3.x needs to be tested)
  • zeromq >= 2.10 (you need to use the 2.X series)

And on Python side:

  • pyzmq
  • iowait 0.1
  • psutil 0.4.1

You can install all the py dependencies with the pip-requirements.txt file we provide manually, or just install Circus and have the latest versions of those libraries pulled for you:

$ pip install -r pip-requirements.txt

If you want to run the Web console you will need to install circus-web:

$ pip install circus-web