
How to add new commands in circusΒΆ

If you want to add a new command, we tried to make this as simple as possible. You need to do three main things:

  1. create a “” file under circus/commands/.
  2. Implement a single class in there, with predefined methods
  3. Add the new command in circus/commands/

Let’s say we want to add a command which returns the number of watchers actually in use, we would do something like this (extensively commented to allow you to follow more easily):

class NumWatchers(Command):
    """It is a good practice to describe what the class does here.

    Have a look at other commands to see how we are used to format this
    text. It will be used to automatically appear in the documentation of
    circus, so don't be affraid of being exhaustive, that's what it is made
    # all the commands need to inherit from `circus.commands.base.Command`

    name = "numwatchers"
    # you need to specify a name so we find back the command somehow

    options = [('', 'optname', default_value, 'description')]
    # XXX describe options

    properties = ['foo', 'bar']
    # properties list the command argments that are mendatory. If they are
    # not provided, then an error will be thrown

    def execute(self, arbiter, props):
        # the execute method is the core of the command: put here all the
        # logic of the command and return a dict containing the values you
        # want to return, if any
        return {"numwatchers": arbiter.numwatchers()}

    def console_msg(self, msg):
        # msg is what is returned by the execute method.
        # this method is used to format the response for a console (it is
        # used for instance by circusctl to print its messages)
        return "a string that will be displayed"

    def validate(self, props):
        # this method is used to validate that the arguments passed to the
        # command are correct. An ArgumentError should be thrown in case
        # there is an error in the passed arguments (for instance if they
        # do not match together.
        # In case there is a problem wrt their content, a MessageError
        # should be thrown. This method can modify the content of the props
        # dict, it will be passed to execute afterwards.