
Installing Circus

Use pip:

$ pip install circus

Or download the archive on PyPI, extract and install it manually with:

$ python install

If you want to try out Circus, see the Examples.

If you are using debian or any debian based distribution, you also can use the ppa to install circus, it’s at


We provide a zc.buildout configuration, you can use it by simply running the bootstrap script, then calling buildout:

$ python
$ bin/buildout

More on Requirements

Circus uses:

  • Python 2.6, 2.7 (3.x needs to be tested)
  • zeromq >= 2.10

And on Python side:

  • pyzmq
  • iowait 0.1
  • psutil 0.4.1

You can install all the py dependencies with the pip-requirements.txt file we provide manually, or just install Circus and have the latest versions of those libraries pulled for you:

$ pip install -r pip-requirements.txt

If you want to run the Web console you will need to install circus-web:

$ pip install circus-web