Send a signal

This command allows you to send a signal to all processes in a watcher, a specific process in a watcher or its children.

ZMQ Message

To send a signal to all the processes for a watcher:

    "command": "signal",
    "property": {
        "name": <name>,
        "signum": <signum>

To send a signal to a process:

    "command": "signal",
    "property": {
        "name": <name>,
        "pid": <processid>,
        "signum": <signum>

An optional property “children” can be used to send the signal to all the children rather than the process itself:

    "command": "signal",
    "property": {
        "name": <name>,
        "pid": <processid>,
        "signum": <signum>,
        "children": True

To send a signal to a process child:

    "command": "signal",
    "property": {
        "name": <name>,
        "pid": <processid>,
        "signum": <signum>,
        "child_pid": <childpid>,

It is also possible to send a signal to all the processes of the watcher and its childs:

    "command": "signal",
    "property": {
        "name": <name>,
        "signum": <signum>,
        "children": True

Command line

$ circusctl signal <name> [<process>] [<pid>] [--children] <signum>


  • <name>: the name of the watcher
  • <pid>: integer, the process id.
  • <signum>: the signal number to send.
  • <childpid>: the pid of a child, if any
  • <children>: boolean, send the signal to all the children

Allowed signals are:

  • 3: QUIT
  • 15: TERM
  • 9: KILL
  • 1: HUP
  • 21: TTIN
  • 22: TTOU
  • 30: USR1
  • 31: USR2

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