.. _glossary: Glossary ======== .. glossary:: :sorted: watchers watcher A *watcher* is the program you tell Circus to run. A single Circus instance can run one or more watchers. process worker workers processes A *process* is an independent OS process instance of your program. A single watcher can run one or more processes. We also call them workers. arbiter The *arbiter* is responsible for managing all the watchers within circus, ensuring all processes run correctly. controller A *controller* contains the set of actions that can be performed on the arbiter. pub/sub Circus has a *pubsub* that receives events from the watchers and dispatches them to all subscribers. flapping The *flapping detection* subscribes to events and detects when some processes are constantly restarting. remote controller The *remote controller* allows you to communicate with the controller via ZMQ to control Circus.