.. _contribs: Contributing to Circus ###################### Circus has been started at Mozilla but its goal is not to stay only there. We're trying to build a tool that's useful for others, and easily extensible. We really are open to any contributions, in the form of code, documentation, discussions, feature proposal etc. You can start a topic in our mailing list : http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/circus-dev/ Or add an issue in our `bug tracker `_ Fixing typos and enhancing the documentation ============================================ It's totally possible that your eyes are bleeding while reading this half-english half-french documentation, don't hesitate to contribute any rephrasing / enhancement on the form in the documentation. You probably don't even need to understand how Circus works under the hood to do that. Adding new features =================== New features are of course very much appreciated. If you have the need and the time to work on new features, adding them to Circus shouldn't be that complicated. We tried very hard to have a clean and understandable API, hope it serves the purpose. You will need to add documentation and tests alongside with the code of the new feature. Otherwise we'll not be able to accept the patch. How to submit your changes ========================== We're using git as a DVCS. The best way to propose changes is to create a branch on your side (via `git checkout -b branchname`) and commit your changes there. Once you have something ready for prime-time, issue a pull request against this branch. We are following this model to allow to have low coupling between the features you are proposing. For instance, we can accept one pull request while still being in discussion for another one. Before proposing your changes, double check that they are not breaking anything! You can use the `tox` command to ensure this, it will run the testsuite under the different supported python versions. Discussing ========== If you find yourself in need of any help while looking at the code of Circus, you can go and find us on irc at `#mozilla-circus on irc.freenode.org `_ (or if you don't have any IRC client, use `the webchat `_) You can also start a thread in our mailing list - http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/circus-dev