.. _options: Get the value of a watcher option ================================= This command return the watchers options values asked. ZMQ Message ----------- :: { "command": "options", "properties": { "name": "nameofwatcher", } } A message contains 1 property: - name: name of watcher The response return an object with a property "options" containing a dictionary of key/value returned by circus. eg:: { "status": "ok", "options": { "flapping_window": 1, "flapping_attempts": 2, ... }, time': 1332202594.754644 } Command line ------------ :: $ circusctl options Options ------- - : name of the watcher Options Keys are: - numprocesses: integer, number of processes - warmup_delay: integer or number, delay to wait between process spawning in seconds - working_dir: string, directory where the process will be executed - uid: string or integer, user ID used to launch the process - gid: string or integer, group ID used to launch the process - send_hup: boolean, if TRU the signal HUP will be used on reload - shell: boolean, will run the command in the shell environment if true - cmd: string, The command line used to launch the process - env: object, define the environnement in which the process will be launch - flapping_attempts: integer, number of times we try to relaunch a process in the flapping_window time before we stop the watcher during the retry_in time. - flapping_window: integer or number, times in seconds in which we test the number of process restart. - retry_in: integer or number, time in seconds we wait before we retry to launch the process if the maximum number of attempts has been reach. - max_retry: integer, The maximum of retries loops - graceful_timeout: integer or number, time we wait before we definitely kill a process. - priority: used to sort watchers in the arbiter - singleton: if True, a singleton watcher. - max_age: time a process can live before being restarted - max_age_variance: variable additional time to live, avoids stampeding herd.